I got up at about 5:30 am to the beautiful sunrise. I am pretty exhausted now as I have been very busy today. After feeding all the critters, I decided I could not wait another day to move the Delaware chicks to their new pen. Of course , one cannot just move critters, one must prepare.
I first had to re-install chicken netting on two sides of the pen. It had been removed when the goats were in that pen. I think the chicks are still small enough to slip through the chain-link fence, hence the chicken wire. That put a pain in my back. But I wasn't done. I cleaned out two old metal chicken feeders, filled them and attached them to the fence just high enough for the chicks. I cleaned and filled the waterer, put new pine shavings inside and out and then it was time to move the chicks. That is always a challenge. I tried encouraging them with a broom but that just made them squeak and go into panic mode. I ended up catching each one and moving her to the new pen. They seem to like it fine but are a little slow to realize they can go outside.
Next I opened up an old door in the turkey pen so that they can move to their new pen too. I decided to see if they will figure it out on their own so have not actually moved them yet. Then I cleaned up the barn and started sorting fleeces to send to the Alpaca Blanket Project. I got 3 done before my back started killing me. So now I took some drugs! Ha! Just aspirin!
I went online to order a "BagButton." It is supposed to suck all the air out of the plastic bags that hold the fleece so that it will be easier to ship. I hope it comes on time. I have to ship the fleeces before the end of the month.
We are really into the monsoon now. We are getting storms and nice lightening every day. Usually it starts out sunny and gets cloudy, but this week we had 2 whole days of gray nasty looking clouds and darkness. It made the tarantulas come out. We've had to chase a couple out of the yard so the dogs wouldn't kill them. I don't usually care whether or not I kill a spider but I make an exception for tarantulas. They are just too awesome to kill!
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