Happy Fourth of July! We celebrated yesterday because the City of Benson had their fireworks display last night instead of having it on Sunday. We bbq'd hamburgers, hotdogs and bratwurst. I made a macaroni salad and someone brought apple pie. We all went swimming and everyone went to the fireworks except me. I never go to the fireworks any more. I prefer to stay home and keep an eye on the animals and have a little quiet time.
This morning we have lots of moisture in the air. It was almost foggy when I went for my walk at 5 am. It reminded me of the coast, the "marine layer" that comes in off the ocean. I really enjoyed my cool morning walk. Then I fed the animals and decided to take some pictures. Someone asked about Stewie and Little Bones so I took some new shots of them. The turkeys are bigger still and so are the Delaware chicks. I don't know if you can really tell how much the chicks have grown.
There was a big jack rabbit on the other side of Stewie's pen. I took a couple of pictures of him, but since I was facing the sun, I couldn't see him very well in the viewfinder.
Of course, there is always a little dirt around to mess up a perfect day. Our air conditioner went out yesterday. So money I was planning on spending for new fence and other stuff for the animals will have to be spent on getting the air fixed. I think we just need a whole new system which will cost even more, but I think we just got this fixed less than a year ago and here it is broken again. Oh well! At least we can cool off in the pool and we can survive, even live well without the AC. I know because we did it most of last summer. Maybe we can get a tax credit or something if we get a new system. We'll see!
Hope you all have a great Fourth and remember the people and veterans who made it possible!
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