Saturday, February 25, 2012

The last few days around here has felt like spring.  I noticed some of the mountains have a faint tint of green unless they are still covered with snow.  The mountains in Sierra Vista are still covered with snow from the last storm.

I have not heard back from the lady who is interested in adopting the alpacas.  She was attending the Southwest Regional Alpaca Show and said she would get in touch after that.  If I don't hear from her by Monday, I will email her again.  I just ran out of timothy hay for the alpacas.  I am feeding them alfalfa temporarily.  If I end up keeping them I will get more timothy but it is expensive.  I don't want to make the trip all the way to Tucson and pay a small fortune for the timothy and then not use it or have to give it away.  I am already giving away the alpacas.

My two eldest daughters made a trip to Apache Junction to the Renaissance Faire today.  It was "Pirate's Day" so the girls dressed up as Pirate wenches! Ha!  I thought they did a pretty awesome job.

I am still reading and doing research on Arizona's Wild West History and the cities and areas around here.  Today I got 2 books I ordered through Amazon.  One is from the Arizona Highway's collection,  Stalwart Women: Frontier Stories of Indomitable Spirit.  It was an incredibly good deal at $4.37 which included the shipping.  The other one is Death In the Desert: The Fifty Years' War for the Great Southwest. It was a bit more expensive and, I'm sure, it will be more difficult reading as it is about the fight against the native Americans.  It is incredible to me that Arizona just celebrated our 100th anniversary, having become a state on February 14, 1912.  Even more incredible was learning that some Apaches were still riding around on horseback, fighting, killing and barely surviving as late as the 1920's.  From 1872 to 1874, Cochise County was the Chiricahua Apache Reservation.  Cochise Stronghold is only about 30 miles from my house.  In fact, I can see the Texas Canyon, Dragoon Mountains and the rocks of the Stronghold from my front yard.

I also watched a couple of movies in the name of research. Ha!  It is a good break from the reading and a good way to get ideas for writing.  One was "Bad Girls" which I watched because it was the story of western women.  The other was "Rio Bravo" which I found at Walmart for $5.  It starred John Wayne, Dean Martin and Ricky Nelson.  Wow, was Ricky Nelson young!  It was a very slow movie compared to the movies Hollywood is producing today.  It was also uplifting and the good guys won!  Hurrah!

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