It is hot and humid all right! I don't see why the weather people keep putting us on that chart showing the record highs and dryness the mid-west is experiencing though. It is always this hot here this time of year and we are getting rain. Oh well, what do I know?
The garage roof is going to be repaired on the 22nd. The pool pump was fixed on Friday. It is so quiet out there now when we swim! We can actually hold a conversation without shouting!
We had some company yesterday afternoon. A lady that I met at the ST. David Farmer's Market and her husband came to pick up her aprons. They wanted to see the alpacas. As we walked in the pasture the lady stumbled a little as the pasture is full of rocks and sticks and all sorts of stickers and rocks. She took her shoes off and walked barefoot! Wow! I was impressed! She said that was easier than stumbling and twisting her ankles! Said she does it all the time! Ha! Not me! I'll keep my shoes on! Thank you very much! We had a nice visit and she ended up buying another pygora fleece from me too. They live in Tucson right now but have purchased a property in St. David and plan to have a real farm out there soon. I wish them the best and hope that we will have a long association.
The other morning was so beautiful out that I went out with my trusty Kodak and took pictures of some of the wild flowers and stuff that is growing around our property. Keep in mind as you look at these lovely flowers that quite a few of them will turn into really nasty sticker bushes. I also wanted you to see what happens around here when we do get a little rain. Everything goes crazy! The weeds grow as tall as the 4 foot fence lickety-split. There is no stopping them. We quit buying weed killer cuz it is a waste of money. Steve can hardly keep up with the weed-whacker or the shovel. But, bless him, he does try.
The flies are going crazy too with all the moisture. I sprayed Buddy and his little space on the front porch to give him some relief from the pesky things. I also went out and caught the alpacas yesterday, with help from my wonderful husband. He held each one while I sprayed bug spray in their ears and then sprayed their bodies with the fly repellent. I then sprayed a rag til it was wet and rubbed their faces and top knots with that. They really seemed to enjoy having their faces rubbed. Poor babies! I hate to see them shaking their heads all the time to keep the flies away. I noticed they did it less after I sprayed and rubbed them but it is an uphill battle.
It is fairly overcast today. I am wondering if we will get thunderstorms this afternoon. Sometimes as the clouds build up during the day they are so beautiful. Makes me want to just lay down and look up at the sky all day. Can't do that though, gotta figure out what to have for dinner tonight, feed the animals, water the flowers, clean water buckets, straighten up my work area,balance the check book...well, you get the idea.
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