"Praise God from whom all blessings flow..." That is how I felt as I watched our breath-taking sunrise this morning. "Praise Him all creatures here below..." That is how I felt as I watched the herd of mule deer run by while I was taking my morning walk. I wished I had taken my camera on Monday on my walk. I had the privilege of seeing 5 coyotes, 4 of them ran across the road just in front of me. They looked healthy and strong with big bushy tails and the typical coyote grin on their faces.
I accomplished the task I set myself yesterday by getting my closet cleaned out and I started on the Echo room. I'm still working in there. I was a little lazy this year. Usually I file all the bills alphabetically and with the bill from each month of the year together by month. This time I kept the ones that were filed together but the rest I just dumped in a box. I have boxes from years past because I have always been told to keep stuff for 7 years or so. I have never had to go back and look anything up to prove anything so I figured I'd save myself a little time this year. I also saved all my Christmas cards and letters in the bill box. Next December I will go through those, checking addresses and remembering everyone who has been special to us over the years. I also review my Christmas letter and try to make the new letter a little better than the last.
Today will be check book balancing and bill paying day. I will also make my grocery list and menu for the next two weeks. Most of the time I stock up so that we have supplies for more than 2 weeks but the menu is just for 2 weeks. Makes it easier to manage the daily chore of figuring out what to have for dinner.
I'm sure everyone has heard more than they want to hear about the terrible incident in Tucson. It is really shocking and saddens me a great deal. I nearly voted for Ms. Giffords because she is such an outstanding person and, I believe, she has the peoples' best interest as her agenda. I pray that she will have a complete recovery and be able to resume her place in Congress. I do not believe all the rhetoric and political BS that is being spouted in the news. This young man is a psychopath and nothing anyone said "made" him do what he did except himself. The spirit of independence and self reliance is still alive in our state and this incident should not be used as a political tool to promote things that would limit those traits and restrict the freedoms we still hold dear here in Arizona. That said...
The end of the worship song goes, "Praise Him above ye heavenly host. Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen."
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