It's a boy! Caramel finally had her big baby boy about 2 hours ago! Thank the Lord for the timing and that he seems big and strong! I already fed him some of the colostrum from my friend Liz's goats. He sucked down about 2 ounces in nothing flat. He didn't even have to struggle to figure out how to use the nipple. He is white like his Papa.
Caramel dropped the afterbirth and I cleaned that up. She seems big still but doesn't act like she is going to have another baby. The goat book says she should deliver everyone within an hour or there could be problems. So I hope she is just fat and will be OK.
The little guy still has blood on him but I didn't want to clean him up too much cuz his mama needs to do that so that they will bond. i did put some iodine on his little belly button and discovered his masculinity at that time. His first swig of milk seemed to almost make him pass out but Mama came and bugged him til he got on his feet again. She moved him back into the shade.
This has taken it's toll on me. I'm having aches and pains again. Probably did too much. I guess I'll go take an Aleve and rest for awhile!
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