On Sunday I injured my left knee while planting the flowers. It was so bad that I went to the doctor on Wednesday. I had to get x-rayed today. I also found out that I have a hernia left over from my gallbladder surgery last year. I have an appointment on the 26th to see about getting that fixed. I am not very happy as it surely means I will be having abdominal surgery again soon. If only they would take some of this excess fat out too....
Our weather has been fabulous. I am already replenishing water buckets three times a day and we haven't hit 100 degrees yet. Caramel is getting fatter. I need to check my calender to find out exactly when the kids are due.
I did get my business cards printed with my daughter's help and my check is written and ready to go in an envelope for my tax license. I have been researching the requirements and policies for opening my Etsy account. I started writing my profile for that and I plan on doing item descriptions as soon as my profile is done. I also checked out our Walmart's fabric section today. They have lots of cool fabrics for aprons and pillows. I have to do an inventory at home and see what I already have to work with. Then I will write down pattern requirements and get some more fabric as soon as next payday. I feel like I am making progress.
I am still trying to decide what to do with all my fleece. I don't know that I will be able to process it all myself. I am thinking of sending some out to have rugs made and some to the Alpaca Blanket Project in Oregon. I think the Blanket project is so cool. They are purchasing alpaca fleece and sending it to the Pendleton Mill to have it turned into blankets. North American alpaca fiber turned into North American Pendleton blankets! How cool is that?! Then I could buy blankets at cost and re-sell them, but probably not on Etsy.
I will be sending some of you a business card soon via snail mail and some of you will get a fleece sample or two also.
I contacted a local lady today about getting some Heritage breed turkeys. She has Bourbon Reds and Royal Palm turkeys. Both breeds are able to reproduce on their own, unlike the turkeys bred for Thanksgiving supermarket sales. They are more "natural" and better tasting than industrial birds. I hope to get at least two of each breed. The lady said she has another batch hatching on Saturday so she will get back with me. Steve asked if I was going to butcher them. Maybe one for Thanksgiving, we'll see. If the demand for these birds is as great as the lady tells me, maybe I will raise them for sale too. I think my idea of the kind of farm I want is evolving. I think I want a "real" more diversified farm rather than specializing in just one kind of livestock. We shall see...
Our weather has been fabu
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