Gray and dreary, that's how our day was. It started raining in the early morning hours. I don't think it stopped all day. If it wasn't raining, it was snowing. It is damn cold for us. I watched the snow level go down, down down all day. Wouldn't be surprised to have snow on our yard in the morning.
I went to town to pick up our youngest daughter who wanted to join us for Sunday dinner. Our road was treacherous. Sloppy red mud clung to the tires and flew up on the sides and windows. I got a couple of quick adrenaline rushes when the car started fishtailing. I learned to let the steering wheel go and let off of the gas when that happens. It usually straightens up quickly but it is no less frightening. Big truck traffic was heavy and there was one pick up truck slid off the side of the road with cops all around. I hope no one was hurt.
The alpacas are all soaked as they haven't the sense to stay out of the rain. The goats are much better about getting undercover in this weather. The cats barely poked their noses outside. They stayed in the barn in the driest spot they could find. Buddy, bless his guardian dog soul, slept, all stretched out most of the day. He really enjoys this cold messy weather.
I cooked a rump roast in the oven to help keep the house warm. Then after dinner I made bran muffins for tomorrow's breakfast. They are supposed to help get the cholesterol back under control. They are pretty good muffins, made with molasses and raisins, but one must drink lots of water to prevent other uncomfortable problems! Ha! What was that old scientific theory? For every action there is an opposite and equal reaction! Ha! Seems to apply to lots of things in life, doesn't it?
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