Yesterday I called the vet about Tinker. He was limping and really favoring his left front leg. He had a big lump on his toe and I became alarmed. The vet could not come out. She was too booked and wanted me to bring Tinker to her. I didn't think I could do that with the vehicles I have. The vet tech suggested that I try getting the lady from the big alpaca farm to come out.
This morning Tinker was not any better so I called Margaret and Melissa. They are my neighbors down the road who have a large alpaca herd. They were more than happy to come out and look at Tinker. They cleaned Tinker's foot and wrapped it in one of Steve socks. They gave Tinker a shot for the pain. Then Margaret called the vet for me again after she assured me that Tinker would fit in my SUV.
So Tinker and I went to the vet. We spent two hours there. The vet shaved his foot and cleaned it thoroughly. She took x-rays and wrapped his foot in a big clean bandage. Poor Tinker! Poor me! I'm glad I took him because it is a pretty severe injury. The vet thought he may have broken his toe. The x-rays showed that he just jammed his toe joints together. There was a big swollen ball on the side of his toe that was filled with pus. The vet did not find anything in the wound. She thought he may have had a tumor on that foot that broke when he injured it. She said she will worry about that if the wound does not heal properly.
I have to give Tinker two shots a day until Sunday, one is a pain medication and the other is antibiotic. He'll get one in each side of his butt. Poor baby! Then on Monday, we go back to the vet. Please pray that he will be much better and heal quickly. I do not want him to suffer and I do not want to have too many more vet bills or I will have to get a second mortgage on the house!
For those of you who were worried about Little Bones, I have returned her to her own pen. Margaret, who has raised goats for many years, told me that Bones isn't big enough or old enough to get PG yet. I am relieved about that too. So,if she is not already pg, she will have a reprieve until next season. She seemed to avoid Falkor pretty well so, hopefully, I got her out of there in time.
Such a traumatic day! I prefer the slow, uneventful days! My body is aching too from holding Tinker and getting him in and out of the car. Alpacas may be small as far as livestock goes, but try holding a 150 pound alpaca while he's rearing up trying to get away from his pain. And it's not fun watching someone clean and dig into a wound that you know is painful, even if it is necessary! I am very very grateful to Margaret and Melissa and to the vet. Thanks so much!
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