Mikey showed up last night in time for dinner. He and Loki stayed in the barn last night. I didn't notice Buddy barking all night. The moon is still up this morning and the sun coming up is making the few clouds all hot pink. Gorgeous!
I am out of alpaca pellets this morning so they will only get hay this morning. A trip to the feed store will be necessary. I'm also out of chicken food and have to pick up a prescription at Walmart. Sometime today I have to finish setting up for the yard sale. I guess I will go to the bank too and get some money for the sale. I'm thinking ones and change.
I just finished a book by Jon Katz titled "Soul of a Dog: Reflections on the Spirits of the Animals of Bedlam Farm." This man is an award winning writer who has published several books. This was a rather small volume and easily read. The whole thing is about wether or not dogs and other animals have souls and if they go to heaven. He is specific, though, only using his animals as examples. I enjoyed the book, although, I don't know that he actually decided the issue or not. I guess it is something about which people will make up their own minds. I have liked all of the books I have read by this man. I would like to find a copy of the first one he wrote about his farm and then I will know how he ended up on a farm in upstate New York all by himself. I have an ulterior motive for reading his books too. They give me ideas about my own farm and writing about it one day.
Writing has always been something I do. I write in a jouirnal. I wrote stories in college. I even had one published. I have written children's stories. I haven't made a name for myself or gotten anything published for money. I am not a professional but I enjoy it just the same.
There goes Buddy! Barking his head off again! Better go see what's up!
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