The size of my goat herd has been drastically reduced as of yesterday. Mr. P. who purchased 3 does from me last August, yes, a year ago, finally came and picked up 5 goats. Valentino, Silverado, Butterfly, Snowy and Bold-Fresh all went to their new home yesterday. I would not let Mr. P take the only buck, The Donald, at the same time. I did not want any hanky-panky going on in the vehicle! Mr. P will have to come back when he has a separate pen for The Donald. The good Lord only knows when that will be! Ha!
Originally I had sold Jenny, Bobbin and Lucy to Mr. P. As he continued to procrastinate, I began to see that it would not be a good idea to sell those wild, untouchable goats to someone else, especially someone who is new to goats. So after Jenny had Bold-Fresh and Mouth, I sold her at auction. The same happened to Bobbin, the mother of Snowy and The Donald. Of course, all of Lucy's kids were born dead. The kids are all hand raised and friendly so Mr. P should be happy with all of them. Butterfly was the hardest to catch. She did not want to go in that truck. Like Mother, like Daughter. Jenny, Butterfly's mom was also my wildest, wiliest doe.
I decided to keep Mouth as a companion to Little Buck. He is my only pygora goat now. All the others are pure angora. I still need to register them and change the ownership on Falkor and Caramel. I hope to do that soon. It is not expensive so I really have no reason to procrastinate.
It is weird not to see Valentino, Silverado and Butterfly in their pasture this morning. I will miss Valentino especially because he was my first bottle-fed kid and because he was my only black goat.
Steve and I will move Mouth, Little Buck and The Donald to Valentino's old pasture. It is closer to the barn and easier for me to feed all of the goats at once. Then we will clean up the pasture in the front of the house. We want to get some new chickens to put in that pasture. I plan on replacing the roof on the goat shelter and putting some nest boxes in there. Then we will get some Delawares, a heritage breed. They are supposed to be big calm chickens good for eggs and meat.
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