Hope everyone had a terrific Fourth of July! Ours was great! Lots of food, fun and fireworks! We even had natural fireworks. There was a great thunderstorm higher up than the fireworks, fabulous lightening show!
On Sunday we gave the new kids their 2nd set of shots so they are ready to go to their new homes. I have named the little doe Snowy so I will hate to see her go. She is a very calm and affectionate little goat. Her fleece is very nice too.
I had a fright last night. At 8 p.m. I always go out to feed the angora kids, Little Bones and her brother. When I opened the back door a tarantula almost fell on my head! Tonight the same thing almost happened but I saw the spider before I opened the door. She fell off again when I opened the door. There were 2 tarantulas in the yard last night. They were very active and moved quickly. Not away from me, but toward me! Yikes! I didn't like that much. I kicked rocks at them to make them move away!
We had more rain and thunderstorms today. It kinda messes up any chance of swimming in the afternoons. Mornings are terrific, sunny and cool. But by about 2 or 3 pm, the clouds have piled up and the thunder and lightening starts. Nobody wants to swim in a lightening storm.
The humidity has brought out lots of bugs. The crickets can drive you crazy with their "singing" at night. I saw tarantulas tonight, tarantula wasps during the day, cockroaches, big green flying beetles, praying mantis and, oh my gosh, flies! Flies and more flies!
I could hardly believe the difference in the weight of the kids between the last shots 21 days ago and Sunday! I could hardly lift them by myself this time. Their horns have grown quite a bit too. The little bucks horns are much bigger and thicker than the wethers and the does. I guess Bold-Fresh really hasn't forgiven us for turning him into a wether. He was the hardest to catch on Sunday. But, animal crackers are his Achilles Heal just like all the rest of them. He loves them, therefore, he will come close enough to catch for the sweet taste of an animal cracker!
I wished I had a movie camera the other morning. Falkor went a little wild! He was charging all over his pen, shaking his horns and sending the chickens squawking and flapping! He jumped on top of the straw bale, turned and tore across the pen, bouncing and leaping. I was wondering what I would do if he managed to rip out the gate or the side of the pen. Thank goodness that didn't happen! He eventually calmed down and ate his hay like any other day. Just a wild hair I guess. I will be glad when the new panals come and he is in a stronger pen.
I have decided to bite the bullet, or go for the gold or take the buck by the horns or whatever. I am going to get my tax license and start selling fleece on Etsy. When I get all set up I will post the website on here and you can all put your money where you mouth is and support the farm by buying some stuff! I will keep you posted!
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