Sunday, August 26, 2012

Good Morning!  Good Morning!  Some days you just wake up and feel like you are blessed to be alive!  This morning it is so gorgeous outside!  It just made me smile and Praise the Lord!  It is shiny and clean from the rain we had earlier in the week.  The sky is clear and blue, as blue can be!  It isn't too hot or too cold and there is a nice soft breeze blowing.  As I sat drinking my coffee on the front patio, I watched as two little hummers fought over the petunia blooms hanging overhead. I think they are the first hummingbirds I have seen this year.  They looked young and sleek.  I'm putting some pictures up of hummingbirds in previous years.  Since I stopped putting feeders out, we just haven't had as many.

I also wanted to post some pictures of the storms coming in that we had earlier this week.  It is finally getting green around here.  We must have gotten enough rain this week to liven up the grass and weeds.  The saguaro finally looks as if he is getting some girth back into his trunk too.  It has been green, like the Emerald Isle, in Sierra Vista for several weeks now.  We just haven't gotten as much rain.  My Texas Sage bushes that line the driveway haven't even bloomed this year.  The cactus bloomed in June I think and haven't done so since.  I have been watering my raised bed and my flowers daily.  I actually got some pretty good sized zucchini this year.  I would've gotten more tomatoes if the birds and bugs hadn't taken their tole.  It is really OK however, otherwise I would've had more than I knew what to do with.

In case you are wondering, the bees did fly away on their own.  I did not have to call anyone about them.  Thank the Lord for that and that no one got stung!

My girls and I are going into town today to the fabric store.  We'll be looking for fabric for one of the girl's kitchen windows and probably have lunch away from all the children.  We also want to check out all the fall decor at the "Home Goods" store.  We all love fall and look forward to cooler days, pumpkin patches and NO HUMIDITY!  It is a great day!  Enjoy it!

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